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Important Notes

Results may include out of date classifications

Ingredient CLP data is updated on a best endeavours basis. User is responsible for checking CLP data is accurate. Medic Pro Limited is not responsible for out of date CLP data.

Placeholder information included

Some fields such as REACH number include a placeholder value. The user is responsible for checking all values in the results to ensure they are accurate. Medic Pro Limited is not responsible for inaccurate placeholder information.

Continuous running in a loop

If you find that the macro runs in a loop through the CAS numbers and does not seem to stop then it means you have a duplicate CAS number.

Close the program and re-load. Remove the duplicate CAS from your source sheet and start again.

Removing duplicates

Check the list of CAS numbers for a duplicate either by eye or using Excel by going to Data tab and selecting 'Remove Duplicates'.

Don't forget to ensure that if you remove a duplicate you have checked that the list is now accurate and matches your true formula.

IMPORTANT: Copying CAS numbers

Make sure when copying the CAS numbers into XML Assist 'CAS number' column you use the "Match Destination Formatting".

If you do not then some CAS numbers appear in the DATE format and will cause an error. CAS numbers that appear in date format automatically are listed below.

Problem CAS numbers





With these CAS numbers, Excel re-formats the CAS into the date format which means they appear red (not present even when they are in the database). You can change individually after you have pasted the numbers by following the instructions below.

1) Select the box with the problem CAS and delete CAS

2) Right click > Format cells...

3) Under the Number tab choose 'text' > click ok

4) Type in the CAS again. 

Repeat for all problem CAS.

Complete and Continue